The Story of KosovaLive
A 20 year monograph
Forumi Shqiptaro-Serb për Këmbimin e Informatave
136 Zera
Where do we stand? Metaverse and DeepMedia Tech
Conference and survey results
Representation of women minority members as content producers
The root causes on the poor representation of women minority members as content producers in Kosovo’s media
Ekonomia Qarkore në Kosovë
Hulumtim mbi njohuritë dhe perceptimin e përgjithshëm rreth konceptit të ekonomisë qarkore në Kosovë
Circular Economy in Kosovo
Perceptions and knowledge of circular economy among Kosovars
Media as a Means of Education: Nurturing Youth Skills
Media as a means of education remains a central part of the development of the skill base of youth, transferable to any profession.
Kosovars on: Life in Kosovo
A brief background history of Kosovo in the last hundred years
Strengthening Independent Media and Promoting the Security of Journalists in Kosovo
Recommendations from Media Organizations, Journalists Association, Media Professionals and Institutions.
Manual for Access to Public Documents
Overview of Process, with Sample Case Studies and Recommendations
Mekanizmat për mbrojtjen e gazetarëve nga dhuna online
Udhëzuesi për gazetarët
Mekanizmi zaštite od online nasilja za novinara
Prirucnik za novinare
The Story of KosovaLive
A 20 year monograph
Forumi Shqiptaro-Serb për Këmbimin e Informatave
136 zera
Ekonomia Qarkore në Kosovë
Hulumtim mbi njohuritë dhe perceptimin e përgjithshëm rreth konceptit të ekonomisë qarkore në Kosovë
Circular Economy in Kosovo
Perceptions and knowledge of circular economy among Kosovars
Media as a Means of Education: Nurturing Youth Skills
Media as a means of education remains a central part of the development of the skill base of youth, transferable to any profession.
Kosovars on: Life in Kosovo
A brief background history of Kosovo in the last hundred years
Mekanizmat për mbrojtjen e gazetarëve nga dhuna online
Udhëzuesi për gazetarët
Mekanizmi zaštite od online nasilja za novinara
Prirucnik za novinare
“Mixed marriage is not for the weak”: Interethnic couples in post-war Bosnia and Kosovo
In the countries that emerged from the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, where ethnic Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats – and those who do not...
Through education, women are strongly opposing gender stereotypes
Valbona Kadriu, a Master's student at the Faculty of Education, a mother of two, talks about the great burdens she continues to face as a student and as a mother at the same...
The importance of perceptions: the first global initiative on perceptions of circularity
The notion of circularity has deep historical and philosophical origins. The idea of feedback, of cycles in real-world systems, is ancient and has echoes in various schools of...

EU supports the development of Kosovo; plays a crucial role in promoting dialogue and reconciliation
“The European Union is not just a political and economic union. It is a peacebuilding project, created in the aftermath of World War II, with an aim to promote peace, stability...
Winners of the 2023 EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Türkiye announced
The European Commission announced the 14 winners of the fifth EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Türkiye. This year’s award recognises achievements...
Missing persons, still an open wound in Kosovo
More than 20 years after the armed conflict in Kosovo, over 1,600 people who went missing during the war remain unaccounted for. It is a tragedy for thousands of relatives who...